The calendar might not say its winter, but the temperature outside sure feels like winter! On cold mornings such as today, are you having problems starting your Ford 6.0 diesel? Many times you think you have a bad injector, when it actually is the FICM (Fuel Injection Control Module). The purpose of the standard FICM is to convert 12-volts to 48-volts that are required for the injector to fire. Cold weather stresses your battery which in turns negatively impacts your FICM since it does not get the required voltage. Batteries generally degrade over time, which means the FICM continually is drawing less voltage which damages its internal drivers. Cold start issues can also be attributed to your glow plugs or glow plugs module. Provided below is a diagnostic guide from Alliant Power regarding having a no start on a cold engine. After diagnosing, if you find that you need a FICM, call Garden State Diesel at 856-914-9797.